Monday, July 29, 2013

A1c Chart

Hemoglobin A1c Chart test is a simple test shows the average amount of sugar in the blood during the next two or three months ago.
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A1c Chart

This test is not used to diagnose diabetes, but the best way to see how much control diabetic blood sugar level,and therefore gives the physician important information may determine the amount of insulin needed by the patient or change the style meal to maintain the level of sugar in the blood properly.

To know people with diabetes are hemoglobin A1c Chart in the range of 4-6%, and in accordance with the instructions Organization of American diabetes, the hemoglobin level schnapps desirable in patients with diabetes must be less than 7%.

See chart to learn A1c Chart Hemoglobin A1c Chart:
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A1c Chart

Must all patients with type II diabetes hemoglobin A1c testing twice a year at least. In the case of change of treatment or if the rate of blood sugar consistently high, you should test all work at least three months until the rate improves blood sugar.

It should be noted that the hemoglobin A1c test on a regular basis will help the patient and doctor alike to pursue blood sugar in multiple and thus work long treatment program to reach acceptable rates of sugar.

Some pictures to illustrate sugar levels through A1c Chart :
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A1c Chart

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A1c Chart
Pursuant to the clinical guidelines for the Joslin Diabetes Institute, recommend working to keep the level of sugar cumulative target of less than 7%, provided that the attainment of this goal to increase the risk of fall in the level of glucose in the blood (or blood sugar), which is called hypoglycemia episodes.

The higher the cumulative result sugar elevated A1C, the greater the risk of complications such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, neuropathy, and circulatory problems. Keep blood sugar levels under control, will make you simply feel like you're in better shape.
The control of blood sugar levels and kept under 7%, and checked every three to six months by testing sugar cumulative A1C Chart, as well as checked daily by home monitoring of blood sugar levels, it is essential for the health and avoid the serious consequences of diabetes complications.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Benefits of Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is his importance to our bodies to build a better healthy life
And is advised by doctors capturing indirectly by eating fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin B-12.
There are many benefits of vitamin B-12, such as:
1.B-12 helps maintain the thin membrane that protects the nerves, and thus helps the transfer of nerve impulses quickly. It also helps to promote good appetite during the growth phase, and ensure normal growth and formation of red blood cells.
B12-Vitamin-Basics2.Contribute to vitamin B-12 to repair damaged nerves, which have been destroyed diseases such as diabetes. It also appears that vitamin B12 plays a vital role in the production of the messages the brain such as dopamine, serotonin or hormone "feel comfortable." These chemicals help control mood and sleep patterns, and thus, vitamin B-12 plays a role in maintaining a positive state of mind.
3.Vitamin B 12 helps protect against cancers including breast, colon, lung, and prostrate cancer.
4.  It helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Vitamin B12 also protects against heart disease by curbing and improving unhealthy cholesterol levels, protecting against stroke, and high blood pressure.
5.A few groups of people may develop anaemia due to a lack of b12 vitamin in their diet. Young children often have a problem getting enough of the b12 vitamin because they may be extremely fussy eaters and it is important to encourage them to eat as wide a variety of foods as possible. This is not only the case with the b12 vitamin but is true for all essential vitamins and minerals.
6.Pernicious anemia is a condition that prevents your body from generating new healthy red blood cells. Without taking vitamin B12, there's a good chance that your body could get this condition and put your health in serious jeopardy. Getting regular doses of vitamin B12 helps prevent this from happening.
Enables Your Body to Grow and Develop Naturally.
7.If you find that you are always tired or you actually suffer from chronic tiredness, there's a good chance that you're not getting enough vitamin B12 in your diet. Vitamin B12 helps provide your body with energy. Try using it if you always feel sluggish and/or tired. Supports Mental and Emotional Stability.
Regardless of what benefit you want from it, vitamin B12 can be extremely beneficial to your body. It can help you to grow, help you to stay sharp mentally and help you to fight off some diseases. Add more vitamin B12 to make the most of the benefits that it provides.

Of these fruits that contain vitamin B-12:
cheese is a good source of calcium, protein, and Riboflavin (Vitamin B2). The amount of vitamin B12 in cheese depends on type and variety, Swiss cheese provides the most with 3.34μg (56% DV) per 100g serving, followed by Gjetost (40% DV), Mozzarella(39% DV), Parmesan (38% DV), Tilsit (35% DV), and Feta.
When it comes to chicken eggs the raw yellow has most of the vitamin B-12 with 1.95μg per 100g serving (33%), however, this equates to 0.33μg per yolk or just 6% of the DV. The eggs of other animals are higher with a goose egg providing 7.34μg (122% DV) of vitamin B-12 per 100g serving, and a duck egg providing 3.78μg (63% DV).
3.Lamb (Mutton):
Lamb is a common meat in the Middle East, Mediterranean, East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and most of Europe. Lamb is a high cholesterol food so be sure to look for lean cuts which are higher in B12 anyway. Lamb also provides high amounts of protein, and zinc. The shoulder is the cut of lamb with the most vitamin B-12 providing 3.71μg (62% DV) per 100g serving, 5.82μg (97% DV) per pound, and 3.15μg (53% DV) in a 3 ounce serving. The shoulder is followed by the foreshank and leg which provides 53% of the DV per 100g serving, and lamb chops which provide 51% of the DV for vitmain B12 per 100 gram serving.
Known for their omega 3 fats and for being a high protein food, fish are also a good source of vitamin B12. Mackerel provides the most vitamin B-12 with 19μg per 100g serving (317% DV), followed by Herring (312% DV), Salmon (302%), Tuna (181%), Cod (167%), Sardines (149%), Trout (130%), and Bluefish (104%).
5.Caviar (Fish Eggs):
Caviar and fish eggs are most often eaten as a garnish or spread. The eggs of whitefish contain the most vitamin B-12 with 56.4μg (940% DV) per 100g serving. Caviar contains a third of that with 20μg (333% DV) of vitamin B12 per 100g serving, 5.6μg (93% DV) per ounce, and 3.2μg (53% DV) per tablespoon. Chicken eggs, by comparison, only offer 1.29μg (22% DV) of vitamin B-12 per 100g serving, or 0.65μg (11% DV) per egg.