Monday, November 25, 2013

Tips for Diabetics

Tips for Diabetics There are tips for diabetics urges people who suffer from diabetes type II, to see a doctor every three to six months, continuously, in order to conduct tests and examinations, which aims to monitor the status and appropriateness of style treatment of the changes that could have occurred in their condition.
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The doctors tips for diabetics them to visit the doctor every three to six months, in order to:

  • Controlling and monitoring the levels of sugar in your blood, and the changes that have occurred since the last inspection: being a doctor assessment of the need to change or modify the method of treatment.

  •   Blood pressure checked: Strive to remain your blood pressure less than 80/130. If you are living with high blood pressure, ask your doctor if you should monitor your blood pressure at home, too.
  • Examination palms feet: to detect signs of wounds or infections or other problems in the palms of the feet.

  •  Hemoglobin A1c test or similar examination (Glycosylated hemoglobin test or Glycohemoglobin): If blood sugar levels stable and is not changing the pattern of treatment, it is possible to conduct this examination every six months.

  •  Visit the dentist once every six months, in order to make sure there is no problems in the gums.

  •  Some experts offer tips for people with diabetes eye examinations at a lower pace. And if you do not have any signs of disease, diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma.

  •  Check cholesterol (LDL and HDL) and fat trilogy Aljlicredat in the fasting state: If you have a balanced levels (normal), you may conduct additional inspection once every two years.
 To see and analyze A1C Chart  Click here

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 Other tests can be done:

- Checking blood sugar.

- Register Voltage (Ketromeogeram the or EMG) and nerve conduction test.

- Measuring the ABI (ankle and arm scale).

 Examination of the eyes during pregnancy: If you are pregnant, YOU MUST speculum examination eyes (Ophthalmoscope) during the first three months of pregnancy, and to continue monitoring closely throughout pregnancy, and even after a year of birth, because pregnancy increases your risk of developing eye disease. If you are infected eyes and carried the disease, the disease may worsen quickly.

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